Privacy Statement

Wihuri is committed to protecting your privacy

Companies belonging to the Wihuri Group, including for example Wihuri Oy, the Wipak Group, Wille Machines Oy, Wihuri Oü, Marine Diesel Oy and Jetflite Oy, may collect and process your personal data. Personal data may be processed for example for the purposes of providing services and products to you, optimizing the functioning of our website, or for fulfilling your requests.

We Process Your Personal Data in accordance with Applicable Law

We are strongly committed to processing personal data in accordance with applicable privacy legislation, including without limitation that we:

  1. plan the processing of any personal data in advance;
  2. process personal data in a manner that is lawful, fair and transparent to you. This includes that we openly inform you of how we process your personal data (if any), as outlined below and are happy to answer any further questions you may have;
  3. ensure that the collection and processing of your personal data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to a specific, explicit and lawful pre-defined purpose or a purpose compatible with such purpose;
  4. ensure that the processed personal data is accurate and kept up-to-date; and
  5. ensure that your personal data is kept confidential and is at all times adequately protected especially against unauthorized and unlawful actions.

Your Rights

We are dedicated to respecting your legal rights with respect to your personal data. These rights include but are not limited to the following:

  • If you have given your consent for data processing, you may withdraw such consent at any time.
  • The right to have your personal data rectified or erased and to object to the processing of your personal data, and in some cases the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted.
  • A possible right to access your personal data or to obtain a copy of such data once a year, free of charge. Please note that any additional access requests may be subject to a fee to meet the costs in providing you with the data.
  • The right to request that your personal data is transferred to another controller.*

Data Processors and Data Transfers

We may use third parties to process your personal data on our behalf (data processors). Wihuri Group only appoints such data processors who can provide sufficient guarantees to meet the requirements set forth in data protection legislation and in Wihuri’s policies. We shall ensure, by contractual measures that such third parties act only on our instructions and process your data only for the purposes defined by us. They are not allowed to process your data for any other purposes.

Wihuri Group shares personal data both within and outside the Wihuri Group only after careful consideration and safeguards. Any transfer of personal data to a third country outside the EU or the EEA may only take place if a separate data transfer agreement is entered into or the level of data protection is otherwise lawfully ensured.

How to get more information?

In addition to this general statement, Wihuri has drafted privacy notices outlining more specifically what data is collected in each case, for how long it is stored, how the data is transferred, etc., as required by applicable legislation. These can be found e.g. behind the below links.

Recruitment (FI, EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, PL, NL, ET)

Video surveillance and visitors (FI, EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, PL, NL, ET)

Suppliers (FI, EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, PL, NL, ET)

The Wipak Group (FI, EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, PL, NL)
Wihuri Oy Technical Trade (incl. Wihuri Oy, Wille Machines Oy, Marine Diesel Oy and Wihuri Oü) (FI, EN, ET)
Wihuri Oy Metro-tukku (FI, EN, SV)
Jetflite Oy (EN)

Whistleblowing channel (FI, EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, PL, NL, ET)

Should you:

  • wish to know if we process your personal data,
  • obtain further information on the processing of your personal data that is unavailable on our website or other channels open to you,
  • make requests regarding your personal data, or
  • otherwise contact us on privacy issues,

please do so through our privacy contact form available here Data subject request. We are happy to provide you with such further information and at all times co-operate with you to ensure that you can always feel safe about us processing your personal data!

LIMITATIONS: Please note that (i) these rights may be limited on a case-by-case basis, as allowed by applicable privacy legislation; (ii) to act on your request, we need to have sufficient certainty of your identity. We therefore kindly advise you to be prepared to provide requested reasonable information to enable us to identify you; and (iii) where requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may either charge reasonable administrative fees for handling your request or refuse to act on it.